Rescued Furnishings is General Finishes April 2016 Retailer of the Month!
Nicole & Brandt Genz started rescuing furniture and tackling DIY projects as a young married couple to save money and as a hobby. Finally, in 2013 a friend talked them into starting Rescued Furnishings. Being full time engineers made it difficult to grow the business and finally in the fall of 2014 Nicole took a giant leap of faith to run RF full time. By the fall of 2015 Brandt joined her and they are now a growing company in St. Louis City. Their passion is creating custom works and creatively and effectively using space to make homes work for a modern lifestyle. Most days you can find them at their workshop, on a job site or teaching a DIY Class. They have taught over 1000 people to paint, use power tools and be empowered to tackle DIY projects for themselves.
We asked Nicole what she loves most about GF products. She said, "GF is not only the highest quality paint I have used but as an ex engineer I truly appreciate and respect the fact they are always testing and improving their own products to make sure they stand above the rest. I started using their paints, stains, and glazes because they tested so much better than anything else.Their support of small business is really astounding and I truly feel like I can call the GF team for help. Best of all, I consider them friends."
Visit Rescued Furnishings in person at 2714 Rear Lafayette Ave. St. Louis, MO to purchase your favorite GF products. Also check them out at and see what DIY classes they are offering!
Follow Rescued Furnishings on Twitter at @RFurnshings, on Pinterest at, on Instagram at @rescuedfurnishings, and on Youtube at