Posted on March 18th, 2015 in DIY Furniture & Projects Blog
"We're kicking off our new series, Woodworker Wednesday, with the work of the incredibly talented Ryan Kneeland of Kneeland Designs! Ryan recently completed an impressive seven-piece series for the Santa Barbara Zoo, including an African lion, Humboldt penguin, Chilean flamingo, Masai giraffe, golden lion tamarin, poison dark frog, and the tree of life using hundreds of hand-cut and custom-dyed pieces in his unique 3-D layering technique!
Posted on March 11th, 2015 in DIY Furniture & Projects Blog
ANSWER: You can rub down the finish with 0000 steel wool and Orange Oil to lower the sheen.
Posted on December 30th, 2014 in DIY Furniture & Projects Blog
It depends! Read on, or watch this GF video demonstration:
*Here are the main questions to ask yourself:
Posted on December 19th, 2014 in DIY Furniture & Projects Blog
Milk Paint is durable enough to stand up to low or medium wear without top coat.